When is audience size computed?
Audience user sizes are computed at regular intervals:
- All audience sizes are computed once each day
- Sizes of new or changed audiences are computed every 3 hours
How is audience size computed?
Audience sizes will be computed or estimated by looking at the individual targets used in the audience expression:
- Segment and cookie groups target sizes will be computed with precision
- Audience targets will use the size computed for the given audience
If an audience contains targets that are not segments, cookie groups, or audiences, the audience size will be the bigger of:
- The sampled audience size
- The computed size from the segments, cookie groups, or audience targets
How does sampling work?
When BidTheatre's platform encounters a user, it may check for audience belongingness with a certain probability. This restricts the accuracy of the size estimated:
- Size is likely to be underestimated
- Accuracy will improve over time
Note that the displayed audience size is purely informational. Even if the size is underestimated, it does not impact the actual reach of an audience.
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