Third Party In-Banner Video
Solutions for in-banner video provided by third parties are set up as a standard HTML ad in ASX. For specification, consult with your third party adserver.
ASX In-Banner Video
In-Banner Video creatives is a built-in ASX ad type that will run a video creative in a video player rendered in a standard display ad slot.
Video Creatives
We recommend creating a linear video creative that contains two different media files to guarantee compatibility with all browsers. Use one WebM media file and one H.264 encoded video with AAC audio in a MP4-container.
We recommend adhering to the specification outlined in Video Creatives. Maximum creative weight is 1MB. We recommend keeping the weight of the used media files as low as possible for the best user experience.
Setup of In-Banner Ads
Use ad type "In-banner video" when creating your ad. The size of the ad decides what ad slots it is eligible to be shown at, try to match the size and / or aspect ratio of the video creative to that of the ad. The video will be scaled to fit the ad container with with transparent bars filling any extra space.
Upload an image file to use as fallback if the ad is to be displayed in a browser that don't support the html video tag. A compatibility chart is available here:
Assign a video creative to your ad under the Video creatives-section.
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