If server-to-server import or export of user data is to be done, user ID's needs to be synchronized between BidTheatre and the data supplier by dropping a pixel in the user's browser. The pixel will either redirect to an endpoint given by the data exporter with BidTheatre's user ID or respond with a JSONP payload. This user ID is later used in the batch syncing files. We recommend expiring user ID data each 30 days.
BidTheatre sync endpoint for redirects is
Optional parameters include:
Parameter | Value | Description |
cb | [Callback URL] | The callback URL to which the request will redirect its response. The placeholder {uid} will be replaced with BidTheatre user ID. |
forcenew | 1 |
Will force generating a new user ID, even if an existing is found in the web cookie |
kuid | [BidTheatre User ID] | Will assign a given BidTheatre UID to the cookie. Not always allowed, consult your account manager. |
It's also possible to have the usersync endpoint respond with a JSONP payload. Just specify the callback method and optionally also the JSON variable name. If no variable name is supplied it will default to "kuid". The value in the JSON object will be the Bidtheatre user ID.
http: //match.adsby.bidtheatre.com/usersync?jsonp_cb=myCallback myCallback({ "kuid" : "2ff872e6-8756-4c49-9d90-807fcae319bf" }); |
http: //match.adsby.bidtheatre.com/usersync?jsonp_cb=myCallback&jsonp_var=bt_id myCallback({ "bt_id" : "2ff872e6-8756-4c49-9d90-807fcae319bf" }); |
BidTheatre hosted user ID
BidTheatre sync endpoint for BidTheatre hosted user table is:
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